Inflammatory diseases and conditions cause many people stress and discomfort in their daily lives and most turn to pharmaceuticals; a lot of people however don’t think about acupuncture. Continuing research and study has shown acupuncture to be an effective way of treating inflammatory diseases such as asthma, rhinitis and rheumatoid arthritis among other painful conditions. Acupuncture helps to control neuropeptides (chemical signals in the brain) which are hypothesized to regulate the process of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory reactions in the body. If you are looking for a way to avoid
the pharmacy and a pill every time one of these conditions flares up make an appointment with us and break free of these problems.
- Melton Acupuncture18525 Sutter Blvd Suite 180
Morgan Hill, CA 95037408-778-7959 Hours
Monday9am - 6pmTuesday9am - 6pmWednesday9am - 6pmThursday9am - 6pmOther appointment times are are available as needed.
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