Anxiety over the fast pace of modern life is something millions experience every day and most people don’t expect they can do anything about it. A lot of research however has recently proven that acupuncture has a similar effect as cognitive behavioral therapy – the most common practice of psychologists when treating anxiety. Everyone gets sad or overwhelmed by things, it’s inescapable from time to time but depression can become too much to handle and rapidly take over your life. Antidepressants are inconsistent and some have dangerous side-effects. As further research is done acupuncture is proving to be an effective and safe alternative to anti-depressants when treating depression. If you suffer from anxiety or depression don’t wait for it to take control of your life, talk to us about a natural and reliable way to help you de-stress and feel better.
- Melton Acupuncture18525 Sutter Blvd Suite 180
Morgan Hill, CA 95037408-778-7959 Hours
Monday9am - 6pmTuesday9am - 6pmWednesday9am - 6pmThursday9am - 6pmOther appointment times are are available as needed.
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