A study comparing the effects of acupuncture on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) against the effects of steroids used to treat the same condition found that both had significant beneficial results. There were few ways in which the two differed except that the acupuncture group reported less nocturnal awakening than the steroid group and the acupuncture group reported a significant decrease in distal motor latency (the time between nerve stimulation and reaction). The study concluded that acupuncture was just as effective as prescribed steroid use and in some ways had less adverse effects on the patients. With
many people working at the computer for hours on end CTS can be an uncomfortable and crippling issue so give us a call and make an appointment to relieve your Carpal Tunnel pain. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19590482
- Melton Acupuncture18525 Sutter Blvd Suite 180
Morgan Hill, CA 95037408-778-7959 Hours
Monday9am - 6pmTuesday9am - 6pmWednesday9am - 6pmThursday9am - 6pmOther appointment times are are available as needed.
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