Grab your friends, family and co-workers and join us for Acupuncture Happy Hour.
Acupuncture Happy Hour is an event that is done to help people cope with the stress and anxiety that is experienced in our daily lives. Instead of reaching for an alcoholic beverage, medication or drugs, come on in for an acupuncture treatment that is designed to:
- Reduce Stress
- Ease Anxiety
- Calm the mind
- Relax the body
- Remove Tension
Enjoy the Benefits of Acupuncture Happy Hour
- It’s A Great Introduction To Acupuncture! If you are new to acupuncture, the Happy Hour is a quick and easy way to give it a try and see what all the hypes about.
- It’s Affordable! At only $20 for a 20 minute session, you get to lay back and relax as the acupuncture works it’s magic. For less than the cost of a happy hour with drinks, you’ll gain priceless health benefits including recharged and rebalanced energy, an immune system boost, reduced stress and anxiety levels, and an overall feeling of well-being.
- It Heals What Ails You! Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s based on the principle that our Life Energy, or Qi, is our most precious resource. When it is balanced, our bodies are able to do what they do best: take care of our health. When our Qi is out of balance, our immune systems become compromised and disease can manifest. Whether it arrives in the form of fatigue, chronic headaches, addictions, or other debilitating conditions, re-balancing your body’s Qi can relieve many ailments and help the body to heal itself.
Reserve Your Acupuncture Happy Hour Appointment Today!!!
Call 408-778-7959 To Schedule
When: Every Tuesday, Starting April 11th from 5pm to 7pm
Where: Melton Acupuncture
18525 Sutter Blvd Suite180 in Morgan Hill