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Carla’s Testimonial- Mental Clarity, Hair Loss, Weight Loss, Energy

I found out that I have Hashimotos thyroid disease about 2 years ago. Until this
time I had unexplained infertility, heavy frequent periods, I felt tired all the time,
my hair was falling out, I couldn’t grow my nails, I had trouble concentrating
and remembering, and sleeping, I was cold all the time, suffered from terrible
constipation and once I hit 40 years old, weight gain that just kept on increasing
no matter how much I dieted or exercised. I felt awful but once I was diagnosed
correctly and started taking the medication I felt so much better and my weight
started to decrease but after about a year some of my symptoms started to
return. Not to the same extent but it was still noticeable and I began to feel very
tired again, suffered more hair loss and brittle nails, I started to notice a change
in my temperature and whilst I wasn’t gaining weight considerably, I had changed
my exercise routine as my doctor had recommended and was eating healthily but
my weight was stubborn and I could not return to my goal weight even though I
was exercising 3 hours a day 5 days a week.
So I tried acupuncture with Daniel. I had experienced acupuncture before and
knew it worked but it had previously taken quite a long time before I saw any
benefits, however after only 3 weeks of visits taking herbs and acupuncture twice
a week with Daniel, I started to feel remarkably improved. My concentration
returned almost immediately, my hair stopped falling out as much, the other
symptoms almost disappeared and I started to lose weight without changing my
diet or exercise routine.
I highly recommend Daniel, I am so glad I have found him. He has really made
a difference to my overall health and well being in less than a month and has
made me realize that my health is something I have to consistently work on a
little every day. I trust and like him, I can talk to him openly about my symptoms
without him making me feel embarrassed, he makes sure he is clear on what I
am trying to say so he can help me and he has worked hard to accommodate my
busy schedule so that I can get to see him regularly when it is convenient for me.
Daniel listens and seems to care how I feel and has make me want to work with
him and I now think of his help as team work:- I take his advice on diet and keep
my appointments and take my herbs, and in return I see positive improvements
in my health. Thanks Daniel and I’ll see you on Thursday!
Carla S- Morgan Hill, CA


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