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Acupuncture Shown to Help Alzheimer’s Patients

A study done just this month tested the effects of acupuncture on Alzheimer’s patients by MRI scan. The scan showed enhanced hippocampal connectivity in the subjects. The Hippocampus is the area of the brain associated with processing memory and emotion. Acupuncture has already been shown in the past to help offset dementia and Alzheimer’s by stimulating the brain before these diseases fully develop but to see that it may even help patients after they’ve developed the disease is truly a breakthrough. If a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s it affects the whole family so it’s certainly worth talking to an acupuncturist to help them live better, for themselves and the family. These tests are preliminary but promising and will certainly lead to further investigation into the possible benefits of acupuncture for those suffering from Alzheimer’s but for now this is a big step forward.

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Acupuncture Reduces Stress without Negatively Affecting Empathy

A recent study was done on health care workers using auricular acupuncture to reduce stress levels. Health care work is a profession where empathy and caring for patients is integral and an absolute necessity. Subjects administered the treatment tested much lower on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory test for stress levels and higher in courage and patients on the Caring Ability Inventory. This is great news for anyone working as a health care provider because this can be one of the most stressful jobs out there. To know that you can reduce your stress levels in such an environment in a safe, natural way while maintaining your passion for your work and the people around you is a godsend. Anyone in a high stress professional life should definitely see an acupuncturist to discover how it can help you live better and work better.

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Explaining the Effects of Acupuncture Post-Stroke

In China acupuncture has been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years to help the healing process after a stroke. A study this year in the lab may have found why. Scientists were studying the reaction of Angiopoietin, which is integral in remodeling the brain after a stroke, with acupuncture. The study examined how electro-acupuncture worked at two points believed to help up-regulate angiopoietin, points Ang-1 and Ang-2. The experiment produced results that suggest a strong causational relationship between the administered electro-acupuncture and an increase in Angiopoietin. This study brings science even closer to confirming the long held belief that acupuncture can help heal victims of strokes.

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Acupuncture’s Heart Helping Effects Examined Further

It is widely believed that acupuncture is a healthy and effective way to treat heart disease and injury. Millions of Americans suffer from heart disease and many may not want to turn to expensive procedures or medications. Even western medical procedures can lead to complications in the heart afterwards. A recent study set out to find physical evidence as to why acupuncture helps recovery from heart disease and injury. Their studies on animals were thorough and specific as they examined the genetic processes being activated due to acupuncture. They found that genes were up-regulated which affect protein production. They concluded that in their testing electro-acupuncture significantly helped in the animal’s recovery from heart injury. This research does not prove that acupuncture heals a damaged heart but it proves that it stimulates the genes linked to reconstructing the damaged parts of the heart. This in conjunction with other research on humans with heart injury is leading science to take another look at acupuncture as a viable way of fixing broken hearts.

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Veterans – PTSD

You’ve seen the strained look on her face. She’s far away. She doesn’t sleep well and sits around all day doing nothing. She’s always tired. You’ve invited her to the things she loves doing, but she never feels like doing them anymore. Sometimes she yells a lot—really overreacts. But when you ask her what’s wrong, she denies any problems.

You’re happy she is back from Iraq, but you thought it would be different. You thought you could get back to normal.

You thought that having her home safe would make both of you happy again. She’s not at war anymore—why is she acting this way?

Your loved one may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Many veterans suffer from PTSD. The Veterans Administration (VA) reports that as many as 11-20% of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have it. Common war traumas include having been shot at, having seen someone shot or having seen death, but another cause of PTSD in veterans is military sexual trauma (MST). According to the VA, 23% of women in the military report sexual assault.

These numbers are scary but the good news is that there is help. There are even free clinics that provide acupuncture.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a physiological disorder that can result from being exposed to a traumatic event. The disorder results in several different symptoms.

  • Re-experiencing.  Some PTSD sufferers relive the traumatic event over and over. This can be in the form of bad memories, nightmares and flashbacks. Sights, sounds and smells can trigger re-experiencing the event.
  • Avoidance. Sometimes people with PTSD avoid the people, places and events that remind them of what happened.
  • Numbing.  Symptoms of numbing include trouble expressing emotions, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, and the loss of memory of parts of the traumatic event.
  • Arousal. Anger, irritability, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, feeling on guard and being easily startled or surprised are common arousal symptoms.

The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder in someone’s life can be far reaching. Feelings of hopelessness, shame and despair, problems at work or with relationships, serious health problems, depression, anxiety and drug or alcohol abuse are not uncommon.

How Can I Help my Friend or Relative with PTSD?

There are many ways you can help your friend or relative with PTSD.

  • Learn everything you can about PTSD so you have a good idea what your friend is going through.
  • Offer to go to doctor visits with your friend.       Help keep track of medications and therapy. If your friend is learning new techniques to cope with stress, ask if there is any way you can help.
  • Be available to listen, but be understanding if your friend doesn’t want to talk. Listen with an open heart. Don’t judge, argue or problem-solve. Listen with compassion.
  • Plan fun activities together. Be aware of events or environments that are difficult and plan events to be as stress-free as possible.
  • Encourage your friend to get support from family and other friends.
  • Pay attention to any comments about hurting herself and report them to her therapist or doctor.

Sometimes supporting someone with PTSD is challenging. Get support for yourself so you are able to help your loved one. Seek safety and help immediately if your friend or relative becomes violent or threatening.

PTSD Crisis Resources

If you or your loved one is in crisis:

  • Call 911.
  • Go to your nearest Emergency Room.
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Press “1” if you are a veteran.
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in Spanish/Español 1-888-628-9454.
  • Go to the Veterans Crisis Line website to chat live with a crisis counselor at any time of day or night.


There are many new treatments available for soldiers and veterans suffering PTSD. The Veterans Administration has information about some of the therapies that have been most effective.

Acupuncture for PTSD

The Military Stress Recovery Project (MSRP) is a unique program that provides free community acupuncture to veterans and active duty soldiers with PTSD and their family members.

MSRP has its roots in helping hurricane victims. In 2005, Diana Fried organized Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) to bring free community acupuncture to victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. With the success of this program, Diana decided to use the same techniques to bring trauma relief services to veterans. She created MSRP and the program has since expanded to 27 different clinics.

Treatment in a MSRP clinic is unique for several reasons. Patients are treated in a group setting, sitting in comfortable chairs. There is an environment of calm and support. And the patients are treated using the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol, a series of 5 needles placed in one ear. The program is designed to address all the needs of people with PTSD.

The MSRP clinics have been very successful. Patients report stress reduction, improved mental clarity, improved energy, enhanced performance, better sleep, fewer bad dreams and headaches, less anxiety and depression, reduced anger and pain, improved general health and better relationships.

Of course, if your loved one doesn’t have a MSRP clinic nearby, or if he or she prefers a private environment, you can contact me for an appointment or a referral to local acupuncturist.

What Can You Do to Help Veterans with PTSD?

If you know someone with PTSD, reach out to them and offer support. And if you want to help even more, donate money or volunteer at community services for veterans.   Many programs offer free services for veterans and they can always use assistance. Some places to start:

Thank you to the soldiers and veterans who have served our country so bravely.

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